How TombRaid Works

TombRaid is a Raid2Earn platform where holders of specific collections can raid tweets that are published by clients in exchange for Solana/SPL tokens. Each NFT that you hold gives you +3 raid allowance on TombRaid and each raid that you complete in the FCFS phase will instantly reward you with 0.01875 Solana. Clients can purchase raids at the following prices: 1.5 sol = 162 raiders 3 sol = 324 raiders 4.5 sol = 486 raiders Etc...

The raids are broken down into 2 phases, FCFS phase and Scraps phase. The FCFS phase houses 62 raiders, the first 62 raiders get a guaranteed payout of 0.01875sol. Then when that fills up, the Scraps phase starts. The Scraps phase consists of 100 spots and also is FCFS. The only difference is that the raiders in this phase get rewarded 0.001875sol and it will not take away from your daily raid limit.

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